- Substrate
The base or core material in an assembly of parts. The full-length wood or composite part of the sill.
- Stile and Rail Doors
A type of door constructed without a door skin, so that the vertical and horizontal members are visible.
- Strike
A metal part with a hole or recess for receiving a door latch. It has a curved or ramped face so that a spring-loaded latch contacts it when closing.
- Stile
In stile and rail doors, the vertical pieces on both sides that connect the rails together, enabling lock, latch and hinge mortising to be done.
- Slide Bolt
The part of an astragal assembly which places bolts into frame heads and sills. It is for fixing passive doors closed.
- Sidelite
A fixed narrow panel, installed next to a door panel, for decorative purposes.
- Shim
A thin piece of material used between parts of an assembly to change and fix the distance between parts, when they are fastened.
- Sealant
Elastic material pumped or trawled into a joint to prevent water penetration.
- Safety Glass
Glass which when broken, shatters into small pieces without sharp edges.