Caldwell's Door Shop offers everything you need to prepare your door for easy installation. We use the latest state-of-the-art Norfield Door Machine. Our technicians have over 30 years of combined experience.

Cut Door Width/Height
Decrease the width or height of an interior or exterior door. (Limitations apply)

Hinge Prep
Prep door for either 1/4” radius or square corner hinges.

Bore Standard Hole
Prep door for door knob.

Re-Rail Door Height
Move rail to compensate for adjusted height. (Paint Grade ONLY)

Re-Stile Door Width
Move stile to compensate for adjusted width. (Paint Grade ONLY)

Mortise Box Prep
Route door for Baldwin mortise lock.

Cut Bottom Guide Groove
Cut guide groove for sliding doors.

Door Pull Prep
Prep door for flush or end pull door hardware.

Cut Non-Standard Jamb
Cut single or double jambs of any size for both interior and exterior doors.

Flush Bolt Prep
Prep door for flush bolt installation.

Ball Catch Prep
Prep door for ball catch installation.

Add to Height/Width of Door
Increase the height and width of a door (Paint Grade Only).

Cut Door Width & Match Veneer
For veneer doors, decrease size and re-laminate to match veneer.