Sliding and Closet Door Hardware
Multi-Pass Sliding Door Hardware
Multi-Pass Sliding Door Hardware is made to make multiple doors slide past each other in a single opening. There are numerous configurations for multi-pass sliding door hardware from two doors per track to a door per track as seen here.

Sliding Bi-Pass Door Hardware
Works well for closets to room dividers. You can have up from 2 to 4 doors with a variety of access configurations. It’s an easy solution for closets and room dividers and it’s easy to install.

Bi-Parting Pocket Door Hardware
Creates an uncluttered contemporary look. Bi-Parting Pocket door hardware frees up valuable wall and floor space.

Bi-Pass Sliding Door Hardware
Sliding Bi-Pass Door Hardware works well for closets to room dividers. You can have up from 2 to 4 doors with a variety of access configurations. It’s an easy solution for closets and room dividers and it’s easy to install.

Bi-Folding Door Hardware
Creates easy access to large opening closets or room dividers. There are numerous configurations from two doors to four doors or more.

Full Access Bi-Fold Door Hardware
Full Access Bi-Fold Door Hardware for a closet or a passage way with outswing folding doors allows for maximum use of the surrounding floor space. Full Access Bi-Fold Door Hardware can be used with two or four doors. Great for turning a hallway closet into a mini-office!